Part Time Attack Vector

Part-time worker?
Less than 100% healthy, aka having pre-existing conditions?
Don the Drumpf is about to make things even more difficult for you.
2017 could be the last year you get health coverage w/o major hitches. If you even get offered a plan in the Trumptastic™ future it will be in a high-risk group, the republican plan for grouping all of the people with medical conditions and earning issues into one expensive group of undesirables.
Divide and ignore.

The GOP claim they can spend a couple billion to cover all of those high-risk people. Of course their math is a joke. It would take much more than that to cover all americans with existing health problems.
Our whole society drives us to be so unhealthy, of course we can’t use spare money to reverse that trend.
Drumpf wants to ultimately go back to corporate-provided plans, which were not only expensive for the companies, they often gave less than great coverage and could deny all sorts of people for various reasons —- mainly those that didn’t have a corporate job.
The great masses of americans don’t have corporate jobs, may never have one, or can’t keep them for more than a few months at a time. Life is about to get harder for them – for US.
The great Drumpf swindle. Give him a chance?
We all know healthcare has been a ridiculous swindle in the USA for decades. Even after Obamacare v1, with it’s sky-high deductibles and minor price reduction overall, you can expect to wait, pay, and generally dislike and dispute your care if you go through the mainstream system.
My family has been using a combination of good luck, over the counter meds, free clinics, and family/friend freebies to ward of health problems for over a decade now. Finally my state expanded Medicare and put us all on it in anticipation of coming Trump™Destruction.
By the time we sort through the bullshit he’ll have robbed this nation blind.
Like no other. Don’s one of a kind, that’s for sure.
Please remember that Obamacare was based on RomneyCare, a more successful version ran in Massachusetts by a bi-partisan state. Proper government provided health care is not only possible, it’s being done in countries around the world.
I voted for ACA knowing version 1 would suck, and it did in many ways. The website kept crashing and the end result was high deductibles with little tangible choice and nothing radically new about coverage. But the fundamentals of forcing coverage of everyone was there. The mechanism for giving choices and credits to pay for them actually worked.
The ability for future congresses and presidents to refine it was there.
I figured it would take them 2-3 major revisions before it started pleasing most people. But Trump the Psychopath throws it all into question.