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Keep On Grinding - Entertainment, Music & Sound Tech - 2MERICA is a strange project. I don't promote it in any mainstream way but I concentrate on publishing a record and continuing it's existence. A few times it's been a nearly full band of maniacal musician geniuses I call El Skorpions. Most often the convoluted jams are personal collaborations with those same shy & busy… ...keep reading...
Halloween Cover Series By Winnie Rose - Entertainment, Playlists - This is a really cool series of piano covers by Winnie Rose, all with the spooky Halloween theme. Just in time! She also added some of her originals to a Halloween Playlist on youtube, ready for streaming on Halloween. Her first cover is from the great Haunting of Hill House (watch it if you haven't… ...keep reading...
Da Bears - Entertainment - I missed this when it aired - pretty damn funny. Wait for the end with the bird. I love football and I'm glad it's back in 2020. ...keep reading...
Scary Pockets of Funk - Entertainment - I just stumbled upon this gem on youtube - the band Scary Pockets and their ultra-tight and funky covers of popular songs. These guys are really good and the guest vocalists that sit in are amazing. Check out Yesterday by the Beatles, done in a way you have never heard before: Another really good… ...keep reading...
Trumps Badness Is All He Has - Current Events - So much has been posted at sites like and plenty others on the absurd amount of horrible things Donald Trump says, does and did. Much of this was known BEFORE the election. Amazing, right? He was clearly elected by a racist minority of this country and has done nothing to move outside of that… ...keep reading...
Everything Scatter - Entertainment - Enjoy this colossal jam and rap from Fela that fits our current moment pretty well. So many screaming people on one side, so many screaming people on the other side. Everyone just shouting, nothing getting accomplished. Shit on everything. One man come stand (ya ya ya ya ya)Him say "Don't call them like that" (ye… ...keep reading...
Is Melania an Illegal Alien? - Current Events - There are so many scandals and lies from Trump Inc. that this one might have gotten lost in the mix. My Trump University journalism degree is really getting some work! Both of them. Is Melania an illegal immigrant? She currently is a naturalized citizen, no one is doubting that status, but did she obtain that… ...keep reading...
Classic Funk Boast - Entertainment, Playlists - Don't sleep on Captain Sky ... raw dog funk from this bassist isn't easy to find but it's worth it. Check out Sir Jam A Lot doin' it to death on this jam: We have some of the rare Captain Sky masterpieces along with 1000's of other great jams available to enjoy on #WorldWideFunk… ...keep reading...
Trump Gives Up - Current Events - In March when the lockdowns started I predicted the Trump campaign would wait a few weeks then declare victory over Coronavirus and go home. As the weeks ran into months they indeed did try to declare victory. Since no one believes in that victory, they are working on their new strategy. Trump is busy trying… ...keep reading...Independence Day 2020: Fuck Trump - Current Events - You fill in the blanks with your grievances. He wants a race war? He ignores and even mocks the pandemic killing americans every day? Fuck Donald Trump and all his racist anti-science idiotic supporters. Worst. President. Ever. Worst. Person. Ever. Draft dodging fake patriot. His family has ripped off veterans for decades. I love this… ...keep reading...
Stay Healthy & Mobile - Current Events, Entertainment, Products For Sale - Hopefully you've checked out our latest venture, the ladies athletic apparel store Team Work of Art. Occasionally I'll be featuring a product from the store that I think everyone would enjoy. Today it's our portable, rechargeable blender with it's own cup, giving you a fresh juice smoothy wherever you are. This little thing rocks when… ...keep reading...
The Importance of Coaching - Current Events, Entertainment - Even today, when you can seemingly learn anything from a few YouTube videos, a great coach unlocks skills and teaches you discipline and routine better than a million videos ever could. Jenny's posted a great explanation of what a coach does and why it's important at the Team Work of Art blog. We've teamed up… ...keep reading...
We Wanted To Slam Dance On It’s Grave - Current Events, Entertainment - This clip really took me back. I wasn't at this particular show, but plenty like it. It was 1990-era and a little crossover genre of funk-rap-rock was being invented. We were so ready for the future. To see a black or mixed rock band play loud hip-hop songs while a mixed crowd slam danced… ...keep reading...
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