Hillary is a good person but usually a stupid politician. She didn’t run a great campaign. but she was status quo and status quo ain’t great.
Trucker Hat + Business Suit > Pants Suit

Don John Trump is a con of the highest order, raised by one of the dirtiest ‘business’ families this country has ever known.
Some people are called criminal masterminds, others are called successful businessmen, and the Trump family is both.
Research his father Freddy and their tactics to get huge contracts in the 60’s and 70’s:
- Racist housing projects.
- Hired actors to criss cross the country selling racial discord at city council planning sessions.
- Exploiting veterans and minorities.
- Illegal lobbying.
- Hyperbolic Marketing.
- Bold Lying.
- Branding.
- Multiple companies all run by same people, aka double dealing.
- All for the holy dollar — sound familiar?
His son Donny has been america’s richest slimeball for decades.
The Obama backlash is strong, as expected. The whitelash. They got their american Hitler-lover wrapped in gold and the flag, ready to sell you anything and everything.
Our first fascist dictator is a salesman, big surprise. That is if he ever makes it to power.
I have my suspicions this criminal enterprise is yet to be exposed.
Idiocracy was born. The official term might be post-literate.