Trump Treason
Where there is smoke, there is fire.
Light it up!
Don Trump Jr. just admitted that during the election he met with a Russian lawyer claiming to have dirt on Hillary. Could be treasononous.
He was revising his yester-lie (a chip off the old block) …
… that he had met with the lawyer over US-Russian adoption policies when he said he brought then-campaign manager Paul Manafort and Jared Kushner along….
This is the 3rd version of his story so far. Any clearer way to lie than to keep changing your story?
He claimed total ignorance of the lawyer and her ties to the Kremlin. Yeah right. Why bring those two to a meeting about adoption policies? Why take that meeting during the campaign anyway?
But in this version of his story …
does every Trump try 2-3 lies before settling on their favorite one?…
he said the lawyer claimed to have damaging info on Clinton. He took the meeting under that pretense only to leave disappointed because she wouldn’t provide the info.
Wow. Just wow.
I know we are deep in the Trump™ Post-Fact Fake News World, but how far will we go before stopping this crew of maniacs?
They are now admitting treason, and even bragging about it.
If There Was No Collusion, It Wasn’t for Lack of Trying
The Truth Behind Donald Trump, Jr.,’s Meeting with a Russian Lawyer
OH DAMN. Russian NRA lady arrested.