decades of fun

American Fascism Takes Off

America has it’s own overt fascism and it’s taking off like wildfire.

Two men who used nationalism, marketing, a weak democracy and complicitly crooked corporations to steer their countries into disaster.

Close the borders. Build walls. Deport illegals immediately. Rescind citizenship from children with an illegal parent. Track all citizens and visitors based on religion. Call Mexicans rapists and murderers, call Muslims terrorists.

Restrict access to our country based on religion. Turn off the internet for a bit while our yuge-brained leader “figures this thing out”.

Yes, read again, he just said he wants to call Bill Gates and turn off the internet because, I guess, the bad guys use it too?

Can you believe this crap?   I hope anyone even considering Trump reads up on Mussolini, Hitler, and other fascists that rose to power in their countries.

Also, idiot, you can’t turn off the internet and Bill Gates doesn’t know much about it. The internet is not Windows. Fucking idiot.

I’m a fucking idiot! Laugh along if you want, I’ll take that as a compliment. I take everything as a compliment. I get lots of compliments.


Fascism is a compelling mix of nationalism, corporatism, and marketing that morphs into whatever the news cycle wants it to be, denying accountability at all costs.  Goodbye constitution. Goodbye Bill of Rights. Goodbye reality, hello North Korea.

Trump has pissed on the 1st, 5th and 9th amendment already. The rest of the Bill of Rights must be shaking at his yuge balls and empty head.



When the government and the corporations are working together it’s easy to push a population over the cliff of radicalism. Dissent is stamped out, choices restricted, facts useless.

Imagine how easy it must be to recruit people to hate the USA when the USA announces daily that it hates them. This policy, and a potential President Trump, will make the USA cease to exist in the form we know it.



MAKE AMERICREAT AGAIN!   IGNORE WHY WE WERE FOUNDED.  This is a happy man when the cameras are on him.

I thought Obama was the one shredding the constitution? Where’s the libertarians protecting it now?