decades of fun

Live P Always Satisfies

George Clinton and the P-Funk All-Stars came through my town last Friday night and I managed to grab some tickets right before the sell-out.

Like many times in the past, I wasn’t sure what to expect from the show, given that the lineup continues to change and two of George’s main partners – Garry Shider and Belita Woods – have recently passed, living on the road to the end.

George himself recently went through a metamorphosis, cutting his hair and changing his wardrobe. Rainbows and bedsheets have been replaced by a classic gentleman’s cut, hat, and silver suit. Nice stuff and he looked good.

Like many times in the past, the show exceeded my expectations and I had a funky good time.

The musicians were amazing, the catalog sounded as good as ever, and the setlist even had a few surprises: They rocked on a new arrangement of “Stuffs and Things” for a wonderful 10+ minutes, interspersed with “I Bet You”, and lots of old Clones launched to P-Funk heaven. I was one of them.

Here’s some video from last year that’s similar to what I experienced the other night. If George comes near your abode (and he will) make sure to catch this act as many times as possible. Nothing lasts forever.