A DJ Raz Giggle?
Whoa nelly… ch ch ch changes…. my head’s tronics are out of the sink…. DJ Raz might be having a gig!That’s me you see and I haven’t performed my live set in about five years, but I got a call from the southside elskorpion commander Mistaswift. This call contained the seedcode and some fertilizer. When Jesus himself built me a garden it just seemed like a sign. From above? On the side? Down l (too slow).
So yeah, I have to see some Headtronics this weekend and also, as well, along with that, get myself a DJ set and rig together by Monday. I’m not posting the gig specifics yet because I’m not quite sure I’ll make it — Well I’ll make it, I just don’t know if I’ll perform it this week or next.