Trump And The Narcissistic Christians
Outstanding piece explaining why a man like Donald Trump is actually polling well with so-called evangelical christians, even though he has no outward connection to them and should, at first glance, truly offend them.
He doesn’t.
They seem drawn to him.
Trump could end up being good for this country as he exposes hypocrisy after hypocrisy.

He won the Tea Partiers over even though he buys politicians and used the federal government to take people’s land.
Tea Party Trump supporters = Exposed as frauds.
He won the Christians over even though he has no qualities of a religious man and in fact seems much closer to the devil as explained in Christianity.
Christian Trump supporters = Exposed as frauds.
He won the racists over by being more radical than the KKK’s politician. Exposed as racists, again. The Divider in Chief.
He won the nationalists over by insulting Mexico and all Latin peoples even with his immigrant wife and his worldwide business dealings.
Nationalists = Exposed as fools that can’t google something.
But his base is rotten so I maintain hope.
The business people won’t vote for kicking out all their cheap labor. The libertarians won’t vote for shredding the Bill of Rights. The christians won’t vote his supermodel wife as first lady, and the old-fashioned GOP won’t give in to his strongman move.
The race is still for after-Trump, and my original 2 picks were Christie and Rubio. Carson has faded – no surprise – and Cruz has risen. Cruz is so obviously waiting for Trumps carcass and the outward racist maniacs following him.
The race continues…
Keep an eye out for this writer David Mascriota, good stuff.