Trump Trump Trump Trumps Your Trump
This is priceless. I hope Donald Trump stays in the Republican race as long as possible!
This is a pretty despicable man, famous for his wealth, his bombast, his ridiculous hair, and his inability to stop self-promoting.
He is the classic high-school rich kid bully, screaming LOSER at anyone that challenges him, then letting them know he has more money so therefore is obviously a better person. He does this to everyone, fully bullying even the national media in a way unlike anyone since Ann Coulter.
He has started picking up the Palin idiots. These fools believe he is an “outsider” even though he’s been playing with (and buying) politicians for decades now. Even Democrats! Hillary Clinton went to his daughter’s wedding. According to him, she had to because he wrote her a huge check. What a tea partier!
He has started picking up the Hannity and Glen Beck idiots too, because of his ability to say anything to anyone, no matter how tasteless, useless or contradictory to past statements it is. He is the red meat king, even if none of his past actions line up with their politics.
He was pro-choice before pro-life, pro-nationalized health care before he was against it, regarding the Iraq War, he said Bush picked the wrong enemy and that we should have invaded Mexico. Really.
To go along with the theme – most of the merchendise with his name plastered all over it in caps is made in China and Mexico. Who is gonna save America again?
Then there’s just the basic concept of who this man is. Avoiding what comes out of his mouth, which is really hard to take seriously if you are not impressed by wealth, still leaves you
Don’t forget about Ivanka with her shoes and purses:
with all of the evidence of his ego.
Remember the criticisms of Obama during the campaign because of his Hope poster and the round presidential-looking seal on his podium? That was considered too much branding by these same people.
This should be fun.