decades of fun

Why The Clinton’s Were Trumped

The Double Down lie. Triple down. Whatever is next. Keep lying and change the subject.

Enough lies to drown any single truth.

Project exactly what you are doing (and want to hide) onto your competitor. Blame them outright and aggressively. Claim you have evidence of their guilt.


Trump shouted repeatedly that Clinton was all ‘pay to play’. Yet Trump is going to rip off every cent he can from this country every step of the way.  He’s going to wine and dine everyone at Trump properties with Trump crap and Trump golf. He will overcharge for everything. The oval office will be pay to play, the military, trade, all of it, will be done to enrich the Trump family. Sickening.

He already is the only person to ever profit from running for president. He actually profited tens of millions of dollars from the taxpayers and his donors.  So-called smart Trump supporters don’t even know this, or at least are in denial.

The scam: Host most campaign events and offices at your own property and charge the campaign highly inflated rates.
The scam: Host most campaign events and offices at your own properties and charge the campaign and the press highly inflated rates. Repeat this for airfare on your private jet and apply the scam across your entire campaign, including the secret service.  Trump ripped us off to the tune of millions, in plain site, because he lies so frequently.

There are already reports of him mixing his business dealings with the presidency:

  • A report from South America that he used his new title to ask a president there to clear up  permit issues for his new resort.
  • A report from Washington that he has already hosted 100’s of diplomats to his new Washington hotel to drink Trump wine watch Trump infomercials and prepare for this new world of bling and lying for fun.
  • Another report that his daughter Ivanka tied in a home shopping channel promotion of her self-branded crazy expensive bracelet she wore for her father’s first ABC interview.

Every major presidential candidate is billed for Secret Service protection in the form of hotels and airfare. The campaign splits the cost with the taxpayers after the SS book their own logistics. But Trump put them up in his properties and flew them on his planes and charged inflated rates (sometimes as much as 4x normal). The end result? His donors and the taxpayers paid him tens of millions of dollars for services rendered worth far less.

This Trump takeover is the biggest criminal enterprise to ever hit the white house. We shall see how the rest of the government responds.

I know this clown lost the popular vote, just like the last clown we had.

That clown was a good old boy oil tycoon failure with a very powerful daddy.

This clown is a con man of the finest stripe, with a very racist and dead daddy that left a boy with many problems.

The problems of a small man are now the problems of a large nation.