Nice Look, Texas – The Tale of The Tittywing Massacre
Thousands of bikers. Hundreds of bimbos making money serving wings and other deep-fried chunks of food-like substance and alcohol to fat people. What could go wrong?
For $100 extra your “waitress” will apply the “bar-B-que” sauce with her “uniform” and sing you a little “song” about what a hot piece of man you are. Lunchtime!
Seemingly not a vitamin or a brain-cell amongst them. Bad music, leather, fake tits, pollution, total american ignorance in it’s full glory. Management was warned that there was going to be a biker war at their Bike Night event and they wouldn’t cancel/reschedule/work to avoid the situation. Money was there to be made.
Take a look at pictures: nothing but fat people, convicts, bimbos, morons, harleys, cops, and weapons everywhere. Sometimes in America it feels like that’s all we are surrounded by.
No surprise Texas coined the term “breastaurant” and that these fine establishments proliferate in Texas and Florida. Also no surprise these shitheads would congregate in such a horrible place to do their deeds.
The worst is some of the interviews with bystanders and other bikers — no emotion, no concern, just blank stares. Meth is a hell of a drug.
I have known some bikers over the years, more the weekend variety than the convict type, and I have family and friends that identify with that community going back decades. I believe that 99% of them are good people that just want to be left alone to enjoy life, just like young black males and other persecuted groups in this country.
But these criminals at the Tittywing Sit-down proudly wore the “1%” patch announcing they were outlaws, and the one gang proudly wore what equalled a declaration of war on their jackets, so I think the ATF and Texas State Police should swoop in and arrest a couple hundred more of them. Sell those bikes & build some playgrounds for the kids.
Maybe try out some of that waterboarding on these guys, find out who’s bringing all the heroin and meth to the teenagers. You’d probably find out why we aren’t trying to stop that either.
It’s very interesting the different response to 9 murders in broad daylight, in front of cops, when it is performed by white americans as opposed to non-whites. The media is also playing this completely differently, no big surprise.
There have been no national guard, no curfews, no talk of bad parenting or bad musical taste. I bet Hannity spent 2 minutes on it and blamed a single crazed individual for starting all the trouble. Or Obama.
Here’s a view of some of our criminals. Don’t stare too close or they might get you. I do wonder if you become evil when given a face like that, or if they start cute and over the years the evil, meth, and corn syrup warp their faces into that horror show.