Time of Storm

The Law and The Fist
Before a sunrise from the four sides of the world
From the rowan paths which forests have been burnt
The wind is tired
Right and front where crops stand not harvested with blackened hawthorn
A day is rising
The sun will hug us with it’s hands
And look! The soil is heavy from blood
It will bear a field of grain again
Golden dust
Women will let us dwell again
And look! They’ll laugh through the tears
Someone will play
And we’ll dance again

Maybe already
In a day or two
After a night, or three
But not today
After night,
after day
You will see
a rising dawn
Breads will be baked in stoves for us
And look! There was only smoke
Flowers will cover scars of war
Tinted with roses
New children will be born
And look! They will laugh
From us remembering that lousy time
Time of storm
In a day, or two
After a night, or three
But not today
After day, another day
You will see
A rising dawn

This is the lyric to the theme song to an amazing polish movie called Prawo i Piesc, translated The Blood & The Fist.
It’s not easy to find, but if you do it it’s a hell of a flick.
One of the best Westerns ever… and it’s set in western Poland in 1945 immediately following the Nazi defeat. It’s become a classic of Polish cinema.