decades of fun

Oh Melanija

Nice looking woman. Seems polite and well mannered. Don’t know much else about her that I can really trust.

This is not photoshop. This is Don’s woman on Don’t plane shooting imaginary bad guys in her underwear. This is what Don likes.

Plagurism for your first public speech is a bad idea.

Plagiarising Michelle Obama’s convention speech is downright stupid.

Trump’s outfit is so stupid I am starting to think it’s on purpose. Lowered expectations?

They are all in for the idiot vote. The type who actually likes him more the more he screws up. As long as he’s entertaining and throws them red meat and T&A they will take it. The pro-wrestling crowd. The monster truck crowd. The reality TV is life crowd.

It will be important for thinking people to vote this time around, to keep dolts from crashing our country into the UFC-ADHD-Energy Drink-comment board racist- trash heap that we’ve been circling for a while.