Trump The Serial Pussy Hounding Creep
Wow the Republicans are fucked – they don’t even know half of the dirt they get with donny.
The archives are just opening into the fascinatingly horrible life he has made for himself. Money just can’t buy you love or class.
First we have this fascinating tale from 1991.
The one where little donny evicts his girlfriend Marla from one of his apartments, WHILE still married to Ivana…
WHILE at the same time planting the story in the local press that he’s now dating a famous Italian model…
WHILE AT THE SAME TIME pretending to be his own PR agent named John Miller and calling a reporter to confirm the story and brag further about his client’s beautiful conquests…
WHILE picking an Italian model that really existed, had nothing to do with him, who when hearing of this story called him a “lunatic”….
and who eventually ended up as the first lady of Italy!
YES. Read that again, take it in, then get even more sordid details here.
(Italy appears to be Donald’s model for the US – their prime minister for many years was a loudmouthed playboy who ran the media and had several lovers, if not sex parties, while PM.)
Next up there’s this video clip from Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous in 1994 where don and now 2nd wife Marla are asked what they think they imparted into their 1 year old daughter.
Don actually says his baby received from her mother “nice legs and, well, it’s too soon to tell…” (cups his breasts)!
His 1 year old daughter.
Daddy thinks she already has sexy legs and soon enough, a nice rack.
This guy = yuck.
Yeah this same guy:

Also in the coming soon department – Trump Modeling Agency – we shall be investigating their use of work visas for bikini models and future wives, including Melanija Knavs, now known as Melania Trump.
How does that jibe with his immigration rhetoric? Horribly of course.

They might actually end up shooting at each other this summer in Cleveland. Lord knows Clevelanders and their cops spend enough time shooting at each other already. A million armed christians and wrestling fans should really mix well with the local poor and entirely liberal populace.

I’ve said from the start that the don didn’t want the white house. This is all a brand building move.
Cue his final act, suing everyone in america for not recognizing his greatness and crowning him king. Launch the new TV show by June.