Draft Dodging Bastards
The most republican thing about Donny Drumpf is his draft avoidance. Seems the guys that talk the toughest are the biggest weasels, as usual.
Dick Cheney: “I can’t go to army, daddy! I’ll go to college, get married, and start popping out kids asap, then complain of chest pains to keep those deferments coming. No Vietnam for me!”

Rush Limbaugh: “I can’t go to army, daddy! I’ll complain about a sore butthole and keep those deferments coming. Maybe some infections, some minor surgeries, that should do the trick. No Vietnam for me!”

George W Bush: “I can’t go to army, daddy! Since I can’t find anything physically wrong to trump up I’ll just hide in plain site. Join the Texas national guard and train on a previous-era jet that is being retired soon. Lay low, not sign up for a thing… maybe they’ll forget about me? Oh my, it worked! No Vietnam for me!”

Donald Trump (nee Drumpf): “I can’t go to army, daddy! Too rich. I have a sore foot. I’m not sure which one, or where it hurts, but it does, and with your money… that should do the trick…. hey it worked, like magic. Being a Trump is great! No Vietnam for me!”

Then there’s guys like my father and his crew – just coming out of high school, facing a life of toil in the factories, and the draft starts.
Them: “I can’t go to army! I’m a pacifist / free-thinker / entrepreneur / family man… my family needs my income and my assistance, my community needs my production! I can’t go to Vietnam!”
Too bad, get your ass on the bus or face prison.
Over 3 million americans served in the Vietnam war. 2.2 million were drafted.
58,000 of our soldiers were killed, over 150,000 injured.
Republican politicians are sleazy bastards. When it really matters, with lives on the line, they are ghosts. Sore asses and bad feet and migraines.
Some things never change.