decades of fun

Oklahoma USA

No tolerance for the singing college kids on the bus. The frat brothers and their sorority dates deserve to be expelled from school. Maybe daddy will stop paying for some of them and they can go to community college and learn about the real world. Most will just transfer, some will get more followers for their viewpoints and their instant white victimhood. Book em on Fox News quickly!

Hopefully a further investigation gets into who promotes this song and further punishment is doled out up the chain.

If I was on that bus, even at age 17 and drunk, I would have been freaking out. Would have probably started swinging, and I quickly would have been out of the frat, out of the bus, beat to pulp by these kids. No social media back then.

At the same time, remember they have a right to say what they said. I strongly protect it. It’s part of what makes America great. In my country you can say something very unpopular, quite dangerous, and stay a free man, free to your ideas and thoughts, as crazy or counter to mainstream they may be. In many other countries you will end up in jail and/or die for your words. Not in America. The punishment must be social and institutional, not criminal. I don’t believe they broke any laws, not on that bus at least.

Leave these young adults alone to figure out their crime. If the school doesn’t expel them it should assign all of them to working with minority communities as a healthy attempt at reform. Communities need the help from the college age kids, and these kids need the world to reach out and help change them for the better.

As I blare a track by one of my favorite bands, the multi-racial and multi-genre Freekbass outfit, I know that we have to get better, smarter, healthier as americans. My mother always said there’s only 2 types of people in the world – assholes and the rest of us dealing with them.