Pro Torture, Pro Deferment Republicans
Donald says he’s pro-torture:
“I said they’re chopping off our heads in the Middle East. They want to kill us. They want to kill us. They want to kill our country. They want to knock out our cities. And don’t tell me it doesn’t work. Torture works, okay folks?…Believe me, it works.”
When asked if he’s reinstate water-boarding, and other “enhanced interrogation” used during the Bush years..
“Absolutely,” Trump said, as he has said before. But there was more.
“I said I’ll approve it immediately, but I’ll make it also much worse.”
I would love to see Donny thrown in jail for some of the things he advocates. The man understands very little about American values.
I’d also like to see him waterboarded but that would be illegal. Interesting? Hell yes.
It’s sick that he says it, and it’s sick that most of his audience cheers like rabid dogs.
“Fuck the constitution! We’re scared!” the mindless dolts shout.
There is one way Trump is very republican – his daddy kept him out of Vietnam. He got multiple deferments, like most republican war mongers, when it was his time to serve.
His daddy greased the wheels a bit, said little donny had sore heals and couldn’t go to war — just like W, Cheney, Rush, Newt, and most other Republican politicians.
They talk the talk but can’t walk the walk.

So I guess we are supposed to be more scared of ISIS than Al-Quaeda? The new boogey-man?
Trump obviously is.
He knows a free lunch when he sees one.
No one in America wants to say how ISIS was formed. As usual they want to blame Obama (thanks Obama!) , but if you study you will find that most of ISIS’s leadership are the Ba’athist military members that used to run Iraq’s army for Saddam.

When Bush/Cheney invaded Iraq in 2003 and the Iraqi army folded we had no plan for them. We prepared nothing for them. We wouldn’t take their loyalty oath and let them stay on post for us. We didn’t find them new positions, labor perhaps. We wouldn’t imprison them. We wouldn’t hold them for more than a few days. We wouldn’t pay them equivalent to their army paycheck to stay home. We wouldn’t ship them to the other side of the country, or out of the country.
None of the above. No prison. No help. No job. Just banned from their own country.
In fact we banned all Iraqi’s from being in the Ba’ath party at all. Not just soldiers.
Many of them were teachers, doctors, lawyers, business leaders, as well as soldiers. We just took their guns, banned their jobs, told them we’d kill them if we saw them on post again, and left them alone.
Guess what they did? Thousands of trained, armed, nationalistic types sitting around for years watching their country fall into more chaos?
ISIS was born. Half of Syria and Iraq were ripe for the taking, especially since the US took out Saddam and the rest of his power structure in Baghdad.
Everyone knew they would be leaving soon, surge or not.
ISIS isn’t Obama’s fault. It’s origins can be seen with the botched invasion and occupation of Iraq from 2003-2008.
Staying in Iraq and killing hundreds of thousands more would not have corrected the situation. In fact the body count has been much much lower since Obama took command.
Also don’t forget about who took out Bin Laden, the last republican boogie-man.
Watching republican idiots try to explain how W deserves the credit on that is amazing. Partisanship over country.