That iPhone is Outmoded
Shout to Squagles! Square Bagles!
The iPhone won’t make it to the future. Sure it’s Apple’s cash cow right now but I see it going away in importance over the next couple of years.
Think about Apple current main product categories:
- smartphones (iPhone)
- tablets (iPad)
- wearables (watch/iPod/headphones)
- set-top boxes (AppleTV)
- macintosh laptops and desktops
All of those work together in the apple ecosystem. Assuming you have them hooked into your Apple account, they all work together, and can handoff all sorts of tasks between them. They continue to add iCloud features that make the lines blur more.
#2, 3, and 4 above will be the focus over the next 5 years. The smartphone will continue to become less important in the mix. Several factors are leading to this.
- There is almost nothing the iPhone does that is unique from the other devices. It did it first, it does it from your pocket/purse, but it’s not the only device to do those things anymore. You can call people, take pictures, stream, and do all of that from other devices now.
- Over the last 8 years, competition has caught up to many of the physical iPhone specialties – thinness, glass quality, battery life, feature set.
- Apple’s sweetheart deals with phone carriers which helped to launch the iPhone in it’s first 5 years are gone and not coming back. iPhone is an expensive rig no matter who you go through.
- Automobiles and transit are beginning to roll out wifi services and built-in GPS
- Everyone has a smartphone and you only need one max, if one at all.
I see the mobile phone of the future going back to what it was originally used for in the 90’s – safety and vanity.
Safety is for the kids, the travelers, the person needing a lifeline no matter where they wander or work. The rest of us are on wifi 95% of our day and don’t need a cell radio at all.
Vanity is for the rich, the teens, the geeks, to impress us with an I don’t need wifi stance.
Perhaps security can be in here too, but it’s really hard to predict the future there. I can imagine a private cell network being more secure than a public wifi spot but there are many variables there.
We will all have tablets for the next 50 years, but the tiny pocket tablet is going away in importance soon. The wearable watch or badge or wallet will contain our cell radio (if needed at all) and all of the other devices already have wifi and location awareness.
Screen size is critical here. Walls will be screens wherever you can project onto them, so perhaps the iPhone has a future life as a pocket projector?
I guess it comes down to the iPin. This baby will have all of the iPhone’s location and connectivity features without that tiny glass screen in your pocket. If it can’t project to or take over screens in your vicinity then it will operate with voice or hand gestures.
I better get to go on a star ship. Maybe that’s why Apple cancelled the car project…?
[Squagles starts at 3:24]