The Trump Tapes
re: Trump Tapes
aka on a bus with that Bush cousin
aka talking shit about women and getting caught
aka admitting assault

I’ve been a part of plenty of locker room talk.
I have verbally piggish friends. I can blast off from my big mouth from time to time. I’m not the PC-police, especially about private conversations. Say it and mean it, or make sure people know you are joking.
But Don Trump was admitting and bragging about sexual assault.
That doesn’t happen every day. In fact never in my lifetime of shooting the shit with a variety of male characters, in many states of the country (and mind)…. listening to late night brags, breakdowns, and divorces…. I’ve been there.
Yet never has any man told me that he grabbed a pussy without invitation.

Of course us males often think of the female body as a happy place, a concept, a thing, something we are going to go out and get, even collect. Especially when we are single or young and sexy and full of our oats.
Dark times and dark humor leave us thinking about the same body as a trap or a trick.
But no sane guy brags about taking it whether the woman agrees or not.
That’s a major red flag.

I mean honestly! I’ve chopped it up with countless guys, analyzing the tantalizing propositions of how/when/where to bed a woman. Yet not one of them explained to me how they take the pussy, how they kiss without invitation.
Trump is a Predator.
In many areas of his life, this is admired. Are we to admire his sex attacks also? If you are an alpha human does that afford you rape privileges?

When the Trump tapes appeared I sighed. I was sort of happy for our country, immediately picturing President Hillary and angry fat Trump supporters still wearing their hats, but also it forced me to face up to the locker room defense.
C’mon guys, Trump says, you know you do it! Or maybe you are a girlyman – a pussy – yourself?
That’s what I’m saying!! We do indeed do it, many of us, especially certain types and ages.
We talk about women and their body parts in all sorts of mythical and mysterious ways. We say things that would disqualify us from the presidency – and many relationships – if ever aired. We brag about what we did to a female because she really wanted it.
C’mon guys, Trump says, you know you do it! Or maybe you are a girlyman – a pussy – yourself?
That’s why it’s private guy talk and it deserves a place in our lives.
Don talking privately about hot women or his appetite for them isn’t disqualifying stuff, not to me. Totally different level than bragging about assault.
Let’s also acknowledge the classiness that his 3rd wife was home pregnant at the moment that tape was made.

In summary, someone boasting about assault is one of those things you don’t forget when and where it was said.
You probably follow-up. You might consider making a few phone calls or texts to see if the person is indeed a sexual predator.
This is why this is serious, whether he wins or not. Trump has all the makings of a serious sexual predator.
He has a teenage rape case pending. His modeling agency grants work visas to desperate young eastern european girls trying to get to america as models. He has 10+ women out there with detailed reports of being harassed, humiliated, and threatened when they turned down his advances.
Many have said they believe there to be many more because of his nonchalance when violating them.
This guy can’t even resist himself when talking about his daughters. This is one sick dude. Total degenerate.
He boasted on camera to a TV host when his oldest daughter was a baby (!!) that she will have a good rack (actually, he did the hand gesture for big tits) as inherited from her mother, sitting there smiling.
Don thought this was really funny, and he laughs at all of his own jokes. They are the funniest and the most fabulous jokes ever said. Can I get comped at a Trump Resort already?

The other daughter has posed for several creepy photos with her very grabby daddy. He likes to talk about how hot she is, and has even boasted that if it wasn’t his daughter he would be dating her.
Let that sink in, its never to late to be grossed out. The ultimate fail level of narcissism is wanting to fuck your own offspring.

I guess there’s a silver lining –
I have a hunch that he’s more buffoon than slick rapist but either way it’s creepy thinking that could be involved in our politics. Thanks religious right, thanks anti-corporate tea partiers, you really know your stuff.
Also Hillary is just the woman to defeat this cretan.
The next few weeks should be an amazing flame out as Breitbart rides the flaming TRUMPTrain right into the RNC headquarters.