The Presidential Reality Show
Trump Unhinged 2016!
#PeopleAreSaying that Trump farted and killed Santa Claus.
That’s messed up man, Santa was a good dude.
Well it’s playing out as anticipated by nearly all of us…. Trump’s getting crazier by the day, and his cult has adapted so well to explaining what he meant that I think he might be testing them now.
He has started calling Hillary “the MVP of ISIS”. Then he said ISIS prays to Obama. Then he said Obama formed ISIS. He is sticking by his ‘belief”, aka his slogan, that Obama founded ISIS.
I won’t insult your intelligence by explaining all the ways the sociopath Don is wrong.
But I’d like to remind everyone that the first version of Al Qaeda was most definitely armed and funded by 80’s republicans during the Reagan administration. As they rose to power during the Clinton 90’s they took many names and ultimately took over Afghanistan.

What’s now ISIS was originally mostly Iraqi Army, employed by Saddam. Bush/Cheney chose to make them unemployed when we invaded, not dead or captured or rehired or on paid leave. Any 4 of them would have been better than unemployed.

Under the laziness of Drumpf’s statement is a nugget of truth, a valid criticism about the US invasion, withdrawal and exit of Iraq (negotiated by Bush and followed by Obama), and the more recent bad relations with Syria by Obama/Clinton.

Any serious candidate would have gotten in there and found positions Hillary took and then attack her on them, 1 day at a time, until some of her voters would agreed with the portrayal enough to abandon her. Don is not a serious candidate.
Don is playing to the Honey Boo Boo crowd. They are a sizable(!) minority in this country that believes they are an overwhelming majority. They are not good at math.