Undercover At A Trump Rally
This brave guy donned a trucker hat and a dumb t-shirt and attended a Trump rally.
It’s no surprise what he found – a mass of fat, uneducated flesh salivating at any pro-wrestling style fake punch that Trump threw. Code words, chants, intimidation, and lots of lies.
We get angry old man blaming Brown vs Board of Education. We get camo-covered potato heads. We get yellow-toothed angry mommas. We get it all – the worst of america at a Trump rally.
10 separate, well timed interruptions by – and ejections of – protesters kept Donny looking tough, strutting around the stage, while his nonsensical rants fired up the crowd.
They are so happy they have somewhere to go to be openly racist.

With all this data tracking going on, any day now the data will mark us politically and I believe our economy will suffer greatly. Most of us will shop and do business politically when armed with this data.
I know I wouldn’t spend a penny with a single business any of those Trump people own or work at. Although I have a feeling most are unemployed or already taking their gov’t disability/retirement check.