Watching Incorrect News Makes You Ignorant. Imagine That.
Faux science from Fox news causes general scientific ignorance. This has been obvious to me but now we have data to back it up.
I’ve posted this before but it bears screaming digitally:
Global warming/climate change is not equivalent to your local weather forecast.
Idiots that rant about global warming being a hoax on the days it’s snowing in their neighborhood (and use the snowfall as their evidence) are idiots. Pure idiots. How?
- By not understanding the size of the planet verse their local weather system; by not understanding that climate change causes extremes in all ways;
- By not understanding that the weather changes everywhere all the time, which is why we have averages and statistical computer programming analyzing everyone’s neighborhood (not just yours you stupid yahoo);
- By believing that science/math/physics is open to ‘opinion’;
- By not knowing that the scientific method addresses doubt and skepticism immediately. The very nature of the scientific method is to work from a position of doubt and prove things to be not true.
I know I’m screaming into an empty room because people who watch Fox news weren’t very interested in science or math class to begin with. But just sayin (again).